vrijdag 2 november 2007

some movie I took in the city,

first a reation to the work of Esther.
What i like: the atmosphere in the first (orange sky) pictures. It's shiny and dark at the same time, wich i think fits to the music and the poem. I also like the movement you descibed, but i think we can keep it abstract as long as it sugest a movement of faling down. Then we don't need the person jumping.
What i don't like is the shape of it, to me it looks to much like a (jewisch/religous) star, but maybe we can think of a les clear shape, more abstract like.

Ok what i did,
I was thinking more about a location, and because i think the other groups will use building in their parts i thought starting from out of the sea/dock like 'de Maas'. And make the sea more wilder to make it more dangerous. I also tried to catch a mood. So it start with only water moving in strong waves, than you see ships, and than you see building in a distance (Rotterdam). I also like using clouds lighten by the sun (as you can see at the original pictures) this in combination with the water movement whe can connect/atatch to the music

donderdag 1 november 2007

I like these abstract forms, and I think they will fit into the concept. We could make it like someone is falling through these forms. Probably my images will appear the other way around, but anyway, Yuki I liked your avi movie with the shades!
Does anyone have other ideas besides someone hesitating whether he dares to jump from an airplane or not? I still think it would be a good idea to use the movements in the first sentences to introduce the movie...
I will probably be in Antwerp tomorrow and saturday, going to integrated2007, so that's a problem, but I'll check the blog afterwards.

maandag 29 oktober 2007